Support for variants
Bart Coppens
Bart Coppens
This feature was introduced in October 2022:
Bart Coppens
Merged in a post:
Allow BOGO for product variants
Seth Haber
Currently the BOGO offer only allows you to configure at the product level. Please update the BOGO offer options to allow specific product variants to be selected, similar to how all other offer options work.
Bart Coppens
Merged in a post:
Exclude size variants from promotional triggering
Katy Kirkpatrick Hoover
Feature to exclude specific variants within a product matrix from triggering a promotional discount or free gift cart addition. For example, if a shampoo is available in 8 ounce and travel size options and the promotion is Buy 2 Full Size, Get 1 Free, this feature would exclude the travel sizes from triggering the promotion.
Bart Coppens
This feature is planned for release in the October update.
Colleen Cole
I would like this as well. As an example I want to offer a gift with purchase on the fragrances on our site. The variants are 50 ml, 100 ml, etc. I want to offer the gift if you purchase 100 ml bottle but not when you purchase a 50 ml bottle. At this point my work around is to use the PRICE of the 100 ml as the trigger for the gift. It works-ish, but choosing the specific variant would be a much more elegant solution.
Joe Wang
Hi Bart Coppens do you have a timeline for this release? Thanks
Bart Coppens
Note that the ability to select variants as "entitled products" was introduced a while ago. However variants cannot be used in the "purchase requirements" section yet. Work on the latter component of this requirement has not started.
Cameron Grant
+1 (& glad to hear work is underway). The ability to select variants in purchase requirements would be brilliant.
Bart Coppens
in progress
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